Saturday, August 2, 2008

Self Love


Self love is the “KEY” to the kingdom…

it is the only true road home

discovering the truth of the

magnificent shimmering essence

of your Self…

the “key” that it unlocks

is to the door of your

highest self…

within any confusion or fear

you may face,

see 2 roads...

see the one road that brings

such confusion to the left

of the middle road.

see the middle road as the

road that only leads to

your highest Self…

stand as a little child

before these 2 roads

and always and only

choose the one that

says yes to your magnificence

walk to YOU

as you do this,

the other road dissolves

into the nothingness

from whence it came

this is your journey



1 comment:

anne said...

Dearest Denisa,

The words directing me

to Self-Love are perfect.

Thru Self-Love

I find the One.....

the One who fills my being

the One without limits

embracing all of me

loving all of me

transforming all of me

into glorious Light

offering me a new

yet remembered vision

of who I am.

Dear Denisa,

thank you for your presence.
