Monday, August 25, 2008

we need do no-thing to awaken ourself or others


Anonymous said...

Excellent blog, Michael! Beautifully designed and filled with superb content. Congratulations!

Much Love,


jeshua energies said...

On Aug 25, 2008, at 11:48 AM, ananda wrote:

> This is wonderful material - Presently I am experiencing much in the way of anxiety/fear - Knowing that it is revealing itself to me and through me - As I sit in non-resistance allowing it to be what it was and what it is and what it will be through me it will come to pass...In A Course in Miracles we are told (paraphrasing) that we have one purpose and that is removing the blocks to Love's Awareness so as I sit and I watch all that is not, be what I made it be in me - to me and through me I know that what is left is Love - Only Love - Love is what I have come to Know as my Own True State of Being and this Knowing allows me to simply be as I was - as I Am and as I will be in every perpetual moment knowing that all is ultimately for my good/God Nature to Become me once again...
> I feel all suffering comes from resistance - Peace to my Mind - Let my Thoughts Be Still...
> My Love & My BlesSings!
> ~Love Deeply~
> Ananda of Love

anne said...

Ananda, your words were so wonderful to read! Bless you for your awareness of all suffering coming from resistance. Being with the resistance, loving the resistance ultimately melts the resistance showing us Love's presence. You know this. You are living it! Thank you for sharing!