Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Because you can

Former child soldier Sudan

Because you can

J AN ISTARA Ackerman 7-08-2008

Drink for those who thirst.

Eat for those living in hunger.

Seek for those questing for knowledge.

Heal thy self for those who are sick.

Walk for the lame.

Listen for the deaf.

See for the blind.

Live a rich life for all those poor in spirit.

Love for those who feel lonely and separated.

Sing for those who have no voice.

Pray for those who gave it up.

Laugh for those who are sad.

Fly for those who are imprisoned

in cages of their own making.

Trust that all others will join you

in their right time.

Allow, surrender and embrace the achievers

as well as those who quietly meditate.

Do all of the above because you can

1 comment:

jeshua energies said...

"Because you can,
You did!

And I wept
at the ONEness
expressed through
our commingling
with Spirit's
Light and Love energies."
