Saturday, August 23, 2008



Patience: A Man’s Best Friend!

An experience



We cannot share what we have not experienced.

Last week I had a problem with money.

A company owed me 2,000.00

That was my rent money and bill money.

It was due on the 15th of March.

Well, that day came and went and no check.

I had been working for this company for

Over 25 years.

My voice kept telling me to allow it.

I did

Then, yesterday, I heard

Now, it is time to call

(yesterday was April 1st)

My check was over 2 weeks late

And my account had automatic debits

And overdraft amounts were adding up

Talk about fear!!!!!!!!

Yet, I allowed it.

I went within and asked,

What would you have me do???

I heard, go and buy your ink for your printer

Now, in my mind, that would cause my

Account to overdraw and not be right

I heard

Denisa, your world is the opposite of the real world

Trust ME

So, I went and got my ink

And yes, it over drew my account

I came home feeling a failure

Feeling I had done something wrong

Even though my voice had told me too

Then I heard,

You are not taking from,

You are giving to

Your trust in ME

Is the gift you bring

The unreal world tells you

you could be bad


All the rest

So, today

I went in to pick up my check.

The owner of the company came to me

With problems that needed a

voice for love answer

I shared what I heard my voice

Ask me to share

When I got home

She had emailed me to say,

Thank you, you lightened my life

So, all along

This missing check

Served a purpose

For I would have not gone in to pick it up

If I would have received it in the mail

Love had other plans,

A message that needed to be heard

All along

I was a servant of Love

From trusting what I thought

To be wrong

In the eyes of the world

To sharing a message of love

And hope

With another soul

I was being used

This is why I am here

This requires allowance,




Letting go of control

The first five lessons


I can share my experience with you!!!!!

With love


patiently not knowing

i ask this question:

does my soul survive my body i ask

as with all such questions

i find it best

not seeking answers

in a world of illusion

but sitting in silence

asking this question

of my Higher Self


but trusting

the answer is there for me

an answer making sense

at the time i ask

answers come

but later

same questions emerges

and when I again ask

full answers

are provided

ones i would not

have comprehended


it's like pealing away

the skin of an onion


i sit in not-knowing

most of the time


content all answers

are within

and will be revealed

at the appropriate time

for my knowing


is called for in time

until all time ceases

and all is revealed


1 comment:

jeshua energies said...

beloved Michael....

what a gift you sent the patience thought out...
it took me to such a beautiful place and i want to share it with you...
when the lessons first came thru me, i surrendered them for a very
long time...
i did not know what they were for...
but one night, in a deep vision, i was shown they are the "bridge"
between shanti christo foundation and "the way of mastery"
it was quite a vivid vision, yet i did not understand the true meaning of it...

the other day, now some 2 years later, alec, "gabbitas" sent out to his
friends an email
on the top it showed "shanti christo " website
then, Jeshua's purpose
and below was the link for ONE VOICE

there it was
shanti christo
jeshuas purpose
one voice

i was so overwheomed with gratitude i could barely speak
so, i so wanted to share this with you
you were on vacation when it happened
so, i waited until you were "home"
love u sooooooooooooooooooo