Friday, August 1, 2008

from part 2 of "One Voice"

Artist Julian Johnson




So, my dear one

Through this lesson of allowance, you come to see its true purpose.

The purpose of the enactment of allowing all things is in truth

For you to see how loved you truly are.

It has only been your perception of what you think you see

That brings you the feelings of pain, struggle, doubt and all

The rest.

In allowance, you are re-membering embracement.

As you start to allow even the tiniest of things in your life to

BE as they are, you are remembering the truth of Your SELF.

The father simply IS.

This grand love that you are one with, is always there and

Always with you.

As you start these lessons, beginning with allowance, you start

To undo that part of the body mind that believes what it sees

Is true.

It is the beginning of the crumbling of what you have simply

Believed in error.

Do not think that as you walk this road of allowance, it will

Always be as a dance or a party.

There will be moments where to allow and trust will bring up

The deepest fears you have held deep within your holy mind.

There is a purpose for this, for your next lesson, Desire

Cannot be made visible to you until you have mastered

The art of allowing.

What good would desiring peace bring you if you did not know

That which keeps you from experiencing peace???

In allowance, you begin to see that Love is living you, you

Are not living life at all my dear one, Life is living you.

This very Life, Love, is brought to you in every moment.

It is breathing YOU

You are the effect of Love, not the Cause

You are pure spirit.

So, allow these undoings of the creations you have simply made in error.

Please remember, dear one, that you are the THOUGHT of love in form

You have been birthed from that love, as that love.

Now, a little more on desire.

As you have witnessed for yourself some of the gifts of allowing,

You come to desire more joy, more peace, more love.

Of course you do, it is your true heritage.

So, desire is the engine of all of life.

Without the desire of Abba to extend love, you in this earth body

Would not exist.

So, desire is the engine of life.

Now, as you desire peace, desire love, desire abundance, there is

A walk that one must take to come home to those truths.

You see, you are the very desire of my heart, you are the peace that

Lives as me, you are the abundance of love given to the world,

And yet, in truth, you do not know what this will look like

So, play with desire.

And then once again, allow what comes up to appear.

You may desire true peace in your life, yet go to your work place

Every day and have a boss who brings you nothing but what you would

Call the headache.

Now that you are desiring peace, now that you are allowing, you have

Become the observer of your very life.

Now you are aware that this is not bringing you peace.

So , you desire peace, and all of creation will appear to show

You where you are not choosing for it, and that fear and fear

Alone has kept it at bay.

Oh, I could not give up this job, how would I pay the bills??

I must put up with this abusive boss.

You know those thoughts

Oh, I desire peace but I allow my friend to abuse me and push my buttons,

Well, she is my friend and it is my duty to allow this???

Yes, you are now to become RESPONSIBLE for your reality,

And you are free to choose at any time that which most serves

Love of SELF, your true self, and make those choices accordingly.

You are creating your reality in every moment

Once you start the walk these lessons will bring, you will come

To see that as you choose for Self-Love, you are coming closer

And closer to the truth of life.

Self Love is the way

Self Love is the truth

Self Love is the life

For what springs forth from self love is the Knowingness that you

Are the one that you have been seeking

You cannot experience the Love that you are without first

Acknowledging it and choosing for it

So, a few brief words this day on allowance and desire.

Denisa has been through quite a couple of days here

Of letting go of the need to feel love from others

Being brought deeper and deeper into the truth of

Our union, for all the rest is truly mean-ing-less.

With love


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