Saturday, August 2, 2008

miracles of the heart


many miracles are blooming

they are not of the “world”

they are of the heart…

moments noticed where the truth

of love

is expressed and shared…

moments allowed

that bring gifts of the soul…

soul families meeting again

as we express our oneness

through our creativity and

our inner voice…

love is abounding

the circles are entwining

and forming a new world

a world where the truth is known,

there are only “perfect” arisings…

there is only love

and as we recognize this in all things

the gift of grace descends

into form

for us to look at with the

wonder of the holy child…

we graduate from the adult

into the child…

the opposite of this world

now, as the child

we are here to be in wonder

to watch the magic show itself to us…

to play in the sandbox of perfection

knowing we are god…

our male , female essence is one again..

we are whole and complete

as we are born anew

we have new wings

we have landed on a new world..

the one we have chosen…

look for it within all things

with love

denisa for us all

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