Wednesday, August 20, 2008

the journey home


as you traverse the bridge home

it is contained within the 18 lessons

given through my beloved denisa,

you will come home to YOU

you will come to know

that you are as I AM

that I am you

this journey

will ask of you to let go

of all that appears to be unlike love

there is a grand purpose

to this experience…

you will learn to detach from

that which brings up e-motion

emotion is a re-action

to that which you think you see…

it is a direct result of

a thought

that comes from ego…

yes, my sweet one

it is you taking thought

that what you see

is not perfection….



for if you truly

I say truly believed

that all is of love

you would not ever have

a re-action…

thus, no emotion

all would be neutral to you

and you

as the creator

would not create worlds upon worlds

of distortion

by believing things unlike love

are real…

take this deep within your heart

my beautiful one

choose love

in every now moment

see only with the singular eye

allow your feelingS

let them arise


see again

grand service

my beloved


click on “one voice”

for the lessons I speak of….

i use four declarations

taught me by my hawaiian self
to clear my mind
of the source of reactive e motions
provoked in kindness by my brothers

---i love you (as myself) ---

--- i'm sorry (for the pain and sorrow
my denying truth has caused) ---

---please forgive me (for what i have not done in truth)---

--- thank you (for the grace your images provide)---

these do the cleaning needed
to re-find my wholly Self


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