Sunday, August 24, 2008





You breathe only

our life force

with each

breath you take

You are abiding in a

heaven of perfection


the moment you “take thought”

judge another

see not perfection

within all moments,

you take yourself

out of this heaven


with those thoughts

you create more worlds

of the same….

today my denisa

abided within the flow

of now

oh, she took thought when

she awoke

yet, she heard me ask her

to all the day to flow

and to remember she abided

within our shared heart

in all moments

her day was beautiful…

then, she judged her son

she went outside to water

her plants and there was a stranger

sitting on a motorcycle

screaming into his cell phone

arguing with a seeming other

I came to her and said

this is your universe

this one is you

how did you create this moment

this man upset on his motorcycle…

for you are creating your every

now experience

aha, she said to me

I was having an argument

with my son in my head….


she got it

she left heaven when she

judged her son

and she got to experience

another “her” arguing

with his love………..

this is the power

you all carry within you


stay in heaven, my beloved..

live from this heart we share

tell me your desires

sing your love and trust

to me

walk with me, talk with me

remember me

walk with me

in our now…

see only love

oh, this one is crying now

her heart is so open

to my words and my love…

be as this one

come home to our union

with oh soooooooo

much love


michael responds to jeshua/denisa

when i consciously
swim in our sea
of loving seamless synchronicity
no disturbance
only loving caring
ones appear
if opposing thoughts occur
to seemingly cut
the seamless whole apart
quickly i trust
that all is as it should be
all is allowed to flow
and seamless love returns
'allowing' allows even its opposite-
to appear
so that we may quickly see
judgment's darkening clouds
and watch the winds of love
gently blow away
the falsity of judgment's
strike at unity

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