Friday, August 1, 2008

I look into the eyes of love

I look into the eyes of love

and fear pops up

in the dark corners

of my soul

no longer do I deny its presence

no longer do I hide it behind masks

of unreal smiles and futile defenses

of my innocence

no masks are needed

no defense is warranted

fear is but a sign of my loyalty

to love’s ubiquitous presence

as testament that only love is real

and my knowing that this is truth…..

in this knowing

fear is embraced

fear is allowed

fear is transcended

in this sweet knowing is the reality that

I AM loved

I AM lovable

I AM loving

and no dream of separation

attack or withdrawal from love

can change this truth

which is true and

nothing else is true


In the eternal moment
when I reach out to you
and you take my hand
I will shower you with love

I will shower you with all that I have
There is nothing that you can do

that will ever take that away from you

As the evening falls, reach out to me

And sing to me



Anonymous said...

Love IS REAl!! All we have to do is take the time to look into each other's eyes and feel what is behind those eyes.

But, having been one who has taken the time to read all that is written here.......and Yes, a lot of it is pure beauty and love........BUT, do ya think the natives get it???

Who are you writing all of this for??? Yourselves?? seems that way and that's okay.

But, if Love is "action and movement"... where is that occurring here...??????

From being a silent outside observer, I truly believe that you write all of these words for yourselves as a prayer for yourselves...and again I say, so you should!!

But, when it come with dealing with your brothers and sisters...Are they not the Christ...just as you???

Words will say it...but, often times action says otherwise to the words written......and that is okay..that is who you are in that moment

Now, I ask, where is the witnessing?? Where is the Christ in action. You can write all the words you want......but, the final act is in the action of Love in movement.

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh is there a difference between words and acttions???

That I leave for you to answer...

OwlJulie said...

In the eternal moment
when I reach out to you
and you take my hand
I will shower you with love

I will shower you with all that I have
There is nothing that you can do that will ever take that away from you

As the evening falls, reach out to me

And sing to me

jeshua energies said...

~there is no-action on this plane grander than seeing the
love of Christ in mine eyes, for as i do,
i see it within all..... for all is me...
no grander action than this can be found...
it is the ultimate love...
there is no other~

jeshua energies said...

Awesome poem!
from: Julie Ramos