Tuesday, August 19, 2008

freedom to be only love

The freedom

to be

only love…

oh, what freedom awaits you

as you rest into the truth

that only love is real…

you will spread your wings and fly

as the eagle

for you will know

that the eagle has only been a symbol

of the truth

of you…

once you realize that love

is behind every moment in time

all that appears unlike it

becomes a joke…

yes, laughter will permeate your day

as you realize the joke

you have played upon yourself…

and yet

with utmost love

I know that until this realization

is firm within your being…

many moments will not “appear”

to be funny….

so, my dear one

the more you allow

the more you see that love

breathes every form that shows

itself to you

until this knowingness

is planted firmly within your


as a rose bush

is planted with roots

deeply within the soil

know that the rose is you

the thorns are also you

carrying the thought

that you are not

the ROSE…

take this deep within your heart

with that

I bid you adieu

the energies of Jeshua

thru denisa

lovely and soothing words
recall my childlike playing
with children
and my playing childlike
with adults
the world is seen
in glistening lights
of joy and laughter
sweet dreams of smiles
and fun abound
and sickness and death
and poverty and stress
are released and pass
as the dark clouds of summer's
midday storm
to reveal the brightness
of evening sky
and cooling ocean breezes

traveling michael

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