Tuesday, July 1, 2008

dear michael from anne

Dear Michael,

I would like to share something with you........
What has come alive for me more and more in recent weeks is the Oneness of all life. Reading all that has come to me via Jeshua, Denisa, you and Jan has/is nurturing an expansion (an experience possible only in a dualistic mindset).
I am finishing up Way of Mastery in this month of July 2008. I began with these words and the beautiful energy the words radiate in May 2007. It has been my constant companion in mind.....and, of course, I experience it as Jeshua's loving presence with me always. You have embodied that for me, dear Michael, and I thank you so very much for that!!
As I think of this......and you.....the Masters of the Far East come to mind. I have read the volumes titled Life and Teachings of the Masters of the Far East many times and loved every word..... each time breathing the places and the experiences into my being as I read. I greatly desired to be such a one......and have realized recently that I am such a one!! I thank you for assisting me in moving to that place in mind where I can open to this possibility.
You are greatly loved, my dear Michael. I am so happy to be in this beautiful loop!


jeshua energies said...

This is soooo interesting, Anne! Years ago, I read the "Life and Teachings of the Masters of the Far East" and a month or so ago our Meditation Group started to read it over again. I too, read them more than once...the books helped bring my husband and dad into similar concepts, understandings and language. I could relate to them both better after they had both read the books.
Years ago, 34 years ago to be more accurate, when I first started to bring the voice of I AM THAT I AM through and record it onto paper, I would receive a sentence at a time. After reading these books the message below came through so fast I could hardly keep up with the recording of it. The words just spilled out of me on to the page. The books helped to pull back a veil and let the light in faster. it is my joy to share that special message with you now again.
Love and Light,

Artist Nathalie of France


I AM/J AN Ackerman 2-28-1981

God, our creator

Who art everywhere,

Hallowed be I AM.

Our Kingdom come.

God’s will be done

On the outside, as it is within.

Give us this day’s illumination.

And forgive our ignorant separation,

As we forgive those who

Feel separated from Oneness.

Do not let us enter into worldliness,

But deliver us from

Dark limitations we set.

For I AM the kingdom of Love,

The powerful Plan

and the glorious Light

From Age to Age.

jeshua energies said...

Note to anne from Jan
This is soooo interesting, Anne! Years ago, I read the "Life and Teachings of the Masters of the Far East" and a month or so ago our Meditation Group started to read it over again. I too, read them more than once...the books helped bring my husband and dad into similar concepts, understandings and language. I could relate to them both better after they had both read the books.
Years ago, 34 years ago to be more accurate, when I first started to bring the voice of I AM THAT I AM through and record it onto paper, I would receive a sentence at a time. After reading these books the message below came through so fast I could hardly keep up with the recording of it. The words just spilled out of me on to the page. The books helped to pull back a veil and let the light in faster. it is my joy to share that special message with you now again.
Love and Light,

Artist Nathalie of France


I AM/J AN Ackerman 2-28-1981

God, our creator

Who art everywhere,

Hallowed be I AM.

Our Kingdom come.

God’s will be done

On the outside, as it is within.

Give us this day’s illumination.

And forgive our ignorant separation,

As we forgive those who

Feel separated from Oneness.

Do not let us enter into worldliness,

But deliver us from

Dark limitations we set.

For I AM the kingdom of Love,

The powerful Plan

and the glorious Light

From Age to Age.

jeshua energies said...

My dearest Jan,

I KNOW this picture! I don't know how or what it is about....but as it came up on the screen I felt goose bumps ripple through my body!

The prayerful words you channeled......I KNOW them as well!! They are perfect to me.....reminding me so sweetly of my sovereignty........that I and my Father are ONE.


Thank you so much! And......I am so happy to know another lover of the L&T of the Masters......!

Be well, dear sister friend!
