Saturday, July 12, 2008

You are a Master

By Alexandra Mahlimay and Dan Bennack
Cluj-Napoca, Romania
www.joyandclarity. com

Dear Friends,

When you dare to blend with your Soul in this lifetime, you express the Truth About You. You acknowledge that You Are God, also, and that you are willing to live your life that way. Neither a statement of false pride, nor spiritual superiority – it is the simple, earnest recognition that you are the Source and author of your own life. It is a declaration of your mastery, and a marvelous leap forward in your awareness.

When you take this step, you recognize that you are an individualized focus of Self consciousness within the greater life of the God Source – uniquely you, but God, also.

Resolving this paradox in your mind is a sign of mastery. You now understand that all of God’s power is vested within you. And because of this, you know that you can create realities, love them, and experience them fully – just as God does.

This IS mastery.

Acknowledging Your Mastery

But what happens when you recognize your mastery for the first time – when you finally see that everything you’ve ever experienced is your own creation? The joys and sorrows are yours alone. The highs and lows, you have brought upon yourself. No one else can be blamed.

Do you hurriedly rush to make things better? Do you retrace every line you’ve ever penciled or change every brushstroke you’ve ever laid down on the canvas of your life?

No. You don’t. These works are finished.

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