Thursday, July 31, 2008

i ask

I ask

why do many appear one day

in front of me as I AM

and another day I see them

as the small self???

The Answer

with great love I come forward

to answer this question

sweet one…

there is nothing outside of you

all is you…

whatever duality still exists

within YOUR thoughts

will reflect itself to you

as long as you contain a speck

of duality thought

that there could ever be

anything unlike the waters of love

it will be reflected to you…

you will experience only heaven on earth

when all thoughts unlike it

contained deep within

are transmuted…

when you align your thoughts

only with God Mind…

and I will say,

this is very close


Oh, Yes!
my experience of the seamless sea
of loving - unending - unlimited synchronicity
is what you speak
it comes more each day
i know one day it will never go away

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