Sunday, July 6, 2008

Jeshua asks that we be a servant to all!

When you move into a consciousness of service, you realize that the first thing you have to do is love.

If you drop out of loving, you have also dropped out of service, and you may be doing things mechanically. You are no longer being of service; you are now being of "slaving," where you feel like you are a slave to something.

When loving comes back in, then the serving reappears.

- John-Roger
(From: Living Love from the Spiritual Heart, p. 50-51)


jeshua energies said...

From ACIM:
"No one can give unless he has. In fact,
giving is proof of having. We have made
this point before. What seems to make it hard
to credit is not this. No-one can doubt
that you must first possess what you would give.
It is the second phase on which the world
and true perception differ. Having had
and given, then the world asserts that you
have lost what you possessed. The truth maintains
that giving will increase what you possess."

jeshua energies said...

it is in the giving that we receive
for does not giving bring you joy???
JOY is your natural state, you abide in "joy"
joy meaning that you already have all...
claim it, receive it, extend it...