Saturday, July 26, 2008


I did a random reading this morning and was drawn to this passage in
A Course in Miracles "The Holy Spirit can indeed make use of memory,
for God Himself is there. Yet this is not a memory of past events,
but only of a present state. You are so long accustomed to believe
that memory holds only what is past, that it is hard for you to
realize it is a skill that can remember now."

I remember thoughts...
They seem so long ago, yet they are of a timeless nature.
They speak of a lovely divinity, in which all creation shared.
I remember dreams...
Dreams of a kindly echo.
Their memories stretched out to encompass the now.
I remember laughter...
A bellow so serious it was beyond compare.
Cries of ecstacy that released all our sorrows.
I remember a kind of peace...
It seems as yesterday unfolds that there was a kind of peace that
was above what I know now.
I remember slightly but not yet quietly another world...Where Heaven
did appear.
Oh Yes I Do Remember
I remember what IS.
I remember a Light...
A Light so blinding never did a shadow appear.
A Light so loving never was alone near.
Oh I remember a Love...
A Love so fulfilling wanting never approached our thinking.
Oh I Do Remember... I Remember Love.

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