Tuesday, July 15, 2008



Now, there is only NOW

In the now, you receive as

You need…

The opposite of duality

There is nothing

Until you choose for it…

Does this make sense to you???

Now you receive

As you need

In the now moment

You are abundance itself

It is alive within you

All is within you

Therefore, I say unto you

You already have all….

It will come to you

As it is chosen for…

When it is needed

Relax into this concept…

As you “feel” you need

Desire it

Surrender it

Always surrender to

The highest good

And wait for love

To birth it

This is who you are


Who allows

The love of abba

To bring the out picturing

Of the form…

With the grandest of love



Sit down, my sweet one

Now, close your eyes

Now. Let go of all thought

Of the body…

Let go of all thought

Of the world

Now, in this awareness

You are home…

You have always been home

Believing the body and the world

To be real…

Yes, you are the dreamer

Within the dream..

And you are the dream itself

Now, that you are home

Your only purpose is to extend love

You have been born again

As a holy child

A babe,

You are the awakened

Babe within all dreams now…

You have just been sleeping

Now you are awake…

The dreamer of all of creation

Is awake now

And as the awakened holy child

You are here to be the extension

Of abba

Within each now dream

You find yourself in

This is your purpose now

With love


And if being a master of manifestation is what you choose in your dream world, a companion light worker tells how to manifest quickly what you desire to experience; always remembering that you are the dreamer and not the figures in the dream:


You are the “light”

Of the Moon

You are the light

Of the moon…

All along

You have only been that

The clouds that appear

To cover your light

Are only your thoughts

That you could be less than

This light

Coming from within you

In crystallized form…

This is why


Are the creator

Of your reality

Whenever you come across

Clouds in your dream

They are simply a seed potential

Buried deep within …

An aspect of you

That you have not yet


(brought love to)

For all is you

My sweet one

This july 17

On your full moon

Realize you are only

The light

Of the moon

And the moon itself

Come’s from within YOU

Now, that will give you

Something to ponder

Will it not????

Good night my beloved


The July 17 event:

YouTube - July 17th Full Moon: Something Extraordinary Happening

1 comment:

jeshua energies said...

Thank you Michael!

There is a dawning awareness that within us, nay, - not within, - but that we are the very the Source of all good. Within and beyond all form awaits the heretofore unaccepted Love that is now being called to bloom into our conscious awareness. In calling and opening to this Love it blends and is recognized as our very being and nature. No longer do we believe we are separate from it. No longer will we seek its poor substitute in the seeming separate "outside" world of form.

Now we all know on a deeper level that whenever any perceived need arises, that the balm and healing of this false idea of lack lies at the very core of our being. No longer shall we believe this healing lies in other forms and persons. No longer will we think we are lacking and separate from the Source of all Go(o)d. When once we turn to and tap into this invisible energy of Love, it will then simply manifest in form as a physical answer to any form of play that we wish to experience. The manifest world will then become our mutual playground to lovingly express our deeper joy and happiness rather than as the false witness to our imagined fall from Grace and our deserving of pain and punishment.

It is good.

