Tuesday, September 16, 2008

"value receiving" daily message from jeshua 9/17/08

value receiving
you have heard me speak many times of giving selflessly...
i have said over and over that as you give you do receive...
in order to give you must re-receive
to receive is to open your heart
it is to open the heart of love within you from before time, palms stretched upward and ask the presence of love
to shower you with the gifts of abundance
oh, i know that you still believe that abundance is measured in golden coins
but true abundance is receiving my love so that you can give it to the world...
i know you have need of food, clothing, shelter...
i will bring these to you as you value receiving only love and extend
it into the world in whatever way you are asked by me,
the voice of love within you...
be my hands and my feet
receive love
ask for it in such grand expansiveness that you can hardly contain it
then, extend it wherever i ask of you,
and i will ask of you

with love,
jeshua ben joseph thru

without a doubt

gladly i open my palms
and raise my eyes to the heavens
breathing in the abundance of love sent
and breathing it out to all who
are open to receive
nothing is held back
since all is available for me to share
knowing the power of love's clout
i trust you without any doubt,
my dear jeshua
your energies permeate me
and i become more and more
aware of the power
of this force called love
with each passing moment
of in and out breath


as i read these words i feel a sense of amazement
at what is happening to me.....
it takes my breath away
to even begin to imagine
receiving with outstretched arms
the endless Love that is present
that gives all to all
without hesitation
without conditions
without exclusions
as i take in these words
there is the feeling of the beginning of a new shift
a shift into endless spaciousness
there is a sense of letting go
of the very ground
i think i stand on
i breathe it in
and breathe out any remnants of doubt
that this shift is possible.
I AM Love
and extend that to all
in deeper more expansive measure
in every moment....
it is happening.....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am love
and I am Lord
and I gently give the decision to you
Do you want to know me or not?
For I am here
So that you can come to Me.
