Thursday, September 18, 2008

saying no to the drug of insanity

Having spent many years as a unhealed healer in the mental health field i often experienced conflict in diagnosing others as mentally disturbed. It was as if i was rejecting them and this seemed wrong. Now, i see the insanity i saw in others as my need to hide the fear of making the one sane choice there was to make.

I Am ---

and with that awareness there is nothing to correct, nothing to change, nothing to judge, since all that is not of love will simply fade away.

michael of jeshua energies

saying no to the drug of insanity

what do you say to insanity and chaos but no

no as a denial of all that is untrue

you need no longer fear it

you need no longer placate it

but forgive yourself for ever thinking it real

forgive yourself for letting it affect your feelings

love the truth of your being

and allow the light of this love

to shine away the darkness that you made real

and allowed to frighten you into a belief

that the darkness was to be undone

michael of jeshua energies

In response to what is below and what it brought up in my experience of my relationships:


Sweet Souls, you are ever so close to bringing “heaven to earth”

As these huge waves of Goddess light come pouring into your earth

many will awaken to themselves….

Part of this process, however, as all is Creation in mo-tion will “appear” to be chaotic

Why is this so??

As these loving energies are being brought forth, by you’re asking for them, you are bringing in the grandest of light rays

Light which brings up, or shall we say, “illuminates” All….

When you shine a “light” into a dark room does not all the apparent dark that was there before you entered still remain there until you shine the light upon it??

So it is in your inner and outer worlds….

The light you are shining now within you soul is transforming everything, bringing up so to say all that is in need of transformation, until “Lightness” of being returns to all….

So it is too, my dear ones, for your planet and all that reside upon it

These waves of light are bringing up everything that is “unlike love,”

shall we say, “all truths" are being revealed…

Yes, you and your beautiful planet and all that reside upon it

are bringing in heaven to earth….

Part of this process will be the emergence of all that has been unlike it, brought up only to be healed; transformed; brought into alignment

Therefore, my sweet ones, when you see the “apparent” chaos in your world, bless it and then go within…

Go deeply within and reside where “truth” lives, for in truth your true enlightened beingness lives in that space of the heart…

Go there, feel the peace.

Allow all that appears on top of your created world to pass by

See it as the grandest of purifications and allow unlike love to fade away without judging or correcting it….

For all is in the hands of Love, always has it been so…

Your beautiful planet is safe in the hands of love.

It is like the dewdrop is to the ocean that receives it…

Your planet and all that reside upon it are My Dewdrop…

I AM the ocean that receives it.

Therefore, be at peace, my beloveds,

The Voice for Love/thru denisa


Join me my sweet brothers and sisters

Join me in that “empty space” we have created by releasing all of our judgments, our fears

our illusions

Join me in that free space we have now created together for We Are ONE

Join me in that crystal clear new space

Fill it with the love that comes from within your heart

Pour the fullness of that welcoming heart that you have now only filled with the Love of your Creator

And giving out unto your brothers and sisters this Love

See only Love

Be only love

Teach only love

Come to Me

Rest in my Light

Surround yourself in my Being

Come Home Sweet Ones



Why forgiveness you might ask???

We have spoken of forgiveness for eons

My teachings were always about forgiveness of others

I would like now to come with-in your heart for one moment in time

I will speak to you about forgiveness and why it is the 1st key to the kingdom

unlocking the door to sanity

When you forgive another, you are forgiving yourself

You are the one that has written this story you call life...

It is your story.

These others are your players in your story

They are aspects of YOU Coming to YOU only to mirror to you what still needs to be forgiven in yourself!!!

It is NOT that THEY NEED to be forgiven...

It is the opposite

They are reflecting to you what is “unhealed” in your soul, in your energy field that needs to be embraced, taken intoooooooo yourself, forgiven and then given back to the


It is then, as if, a paintbrush comes in your dreams and repaints the story...

The old story is cleared from your energy field and you are lighter;

En-lightened, vibrating at a faster speed....

This is the answer to all of your depressions, dis-eases, insanities and unhappiness

The One in front of you, that You think you need to forgive, is your savior bringing you a gift from your SELF so that you can for-give


This is your way home, sweet ones...

You live in an illusion and you are only sending YOU to YOU in every moment.

Watch what you are surrounding yourself with since at ANY moment you can literally

Change your world

When you change your thoughts.

Bless the ONE in front of you.

See the innocence in all things.

Forgive yourself.

You will heal the world through YOU forgiving YOU.

As always,

My beloved friends,

Peace be unto YOU,


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