Friday, September 12, 2008

frustration revelation

Ken's "important question" evoked my remembrance of last night's revelation:
Hey Guys,

I have a mind-teasing question for you...

In time, does the answer exist before the question
is EVER asked?

Your thoughts?

As always, I love you.


frustration revelation

recurring dreams of trying to get somewhere

trying to make something

not completing

not obtaining

having feelings of frustration

allowing a future event to determine a present experience

allowing a past plan to predict satisfaction

gracefully and gently spirit says

“enjoy the ride not the destination

enjoy the making not completion”

a burden is relieved

joy in the moment is received

frustration dissipates as morning mist

upon an open field when sun has risen in the sky


and ken replied:

Hey michael,

Great answer and a wonderful revelation! Here’s a follow up question you’ll enjoy!

If the unasked question is asked of God (Holy Spirit) is its answer manifested (in the dream) the same as the question is asked of the ego (myself, the world, science, etc.)?

As always,


michael replied:

I drug myself

with striving to hide the unasked question

that can think such thoughts and welcome revelations?

no answers come for none are needed

since I the seeker is but the one I seek


anne added a response:

your words reach me
as i sit with my own frustration
of present non-doing
and future greyness....
i sit with it and hear the words
"be in this moment only...
allow all else to fade away...
nothing means anything...
do you remember that, dear one?"
i listen......
and the knowing arises within me
that i am allowing ego
to take the place of Spirit in my mind
whenever apprehension for lack of "worthy" activity
show up at my doorstep...
then your message of "frustration revelation" appears
and i know i am not alone in this story
you and i join to know the Truth...
that this moment alone
is where we need to be
all of me needs to be here in this moment
if i am to be spirit without hesitation
we walk this path together, dear brother.
thank you for sharing your thoughts.

denisa added:

the "wave" comes in, and then it recedes...
allowing the sand to bathe in the sun once again...

the wave is out right now, and we have forgotten how to bathe...
we need just allow and breathe, for when the wave recedes,
the quiet allows us to clear more of the thoughts of the mind
that we are here to heal...

we are all feeling this same frustration, yet it is a gift
a quiet time to "watch our thoughts" once again
and let go of all that bring up fear, lack and struggle...

that is what we are here to do, and we can lovingly embrace
these thoughts with love and transmute them...

we are not here to do in the world, we are here to remember
the glorious light we are...

we have chosen to heal the "one mind"
if we are busy, busy and doing, then we don't notice
the yuck that is still in the basement, the sweeper is sweeping...


1 comment:

jeshua energies said...

Really enjoyed this conversation. I am sending some thoughts to you if they are relevant please feel free to post. Love Beverley
I wrote these words to express hope to a person who (I thought) was frustrated---naturally I was trying to express my own inner frustration and the sense of okness- and maybe about some of the same things I just read. Here Goes!

In a sea of wonder
I cast my eye to match the heart.......
and God's mind
allows the rain

amazed came
and made the beauty to engulf

[to be poetic never works, it is in the flow trite or not of the quick thought]

Love of self close
I come to God within
and render beauty without falsehood

truth sees and knows all
much goes and not we see
then blinding reality

come to God within
and walk softly seeing
quietly with the boom of beginning

within God lurks, silently, for the awakening

by Beverley
'Be the change you wish to see in the world' M. Gandhi

In LOVE and LIGHT Beverley