Saturday, September 27, 2008

lesson 17 I Am Presence --ALLOWANCE

Lesson XVII

Allowing all without judgment of any person and event brings all to neutrality. Duality, formed by the perception of separateness, can no longer remain a solid perception in a state of neutrality. Without duality all is free to be what it is created to be, an expression of Love eternal.


Denise just said to me…

We already did a lesson on allowance.

She hesitated; she resisted this lesson, for in her Holy Mind she thought this Voice was making a mistake, not hearing me correctly…

Well, she is not hearing me in error, we are coming around to allowance one more time…

Over these last few months we have been undoing much from your mind…

You may have even begun to see the innocent dance this is behind all of creation, the bleeding “in,” so to say, of that which your earthly eyes cannot quite grasp.

So, allowance; I am going to go deeper into this now for a purpose.

For the next 30 days

Diligently, allow every moment, all things.

That could be your car breaks down.

It could be your job is gone.

Whatever it is does not matter.

Just allow it.

Be with it.

Trust it.

Know that YOU do NOT know what a single thing is or what it is for…

When you do this simple task and you pay attention you will see that all things that happen, in your every moment, are a gift to you, always a gift no matter how it appears.

And why would I say this?

Because only LOVE IS REAL




In that allowance you will come to see that even that which appears unlike love, in truth,



This, my sweet souls, takes much diligence.

It also takes much trust that the words I am sharing here are the truth.

By now, you have come to literally feel the vibration behind these words.

As you read these words and try to take them in Love, Love’s vibration is what is calling you.

It exists behind the words for the words are merely symbols.

It is the vibration behind these words that are truly speaking to your soul, your true self, and deep within you somewhere by now you KNOW THIS IS TRUE

So, allow,


allow the vibrations to touch you.

Allow the thoughts to come to the mind.

Allow the gentle dance that has been prepared for you by your higher Self, who is Now running the show, to teach you anew.

For, if you are reading these words, and you have come upon this lesson 17 you have already decided to allow Love to guide you home to your true Reality while still living in duality on earth.

Duality, my sweet souls is slipping away, and it is good!

It is literally being dissolved by all the YOU’s that are seeing all events as neutral; that are allowing, in time, the illusion to be what it is; that are giving not ONE MORE MOMENT of their holy thought to anything that appears unlike love, for, by the seeing of neutrality; by seeing that all things, no matter how they appear are the bridge home; by coming within to your voice for love you and you alone are literally the savior of the world.

For, you see you have changed your


And what the SON DECREES IS!

So, another 30 days of diligent allowance.

Some fear may come up, some feelings of loss may come up, and it is okay.

Allow it.

All that is not in vibration with YOUR Soul will want to leave because it no longer can exist, for only creations of matching vibration can truly exist in the same space.

So, all that needs to go, will go, and it is a blessing.

It is literally going to bring you, in the end, Heaven to your heart, Love to your soul; the golden era,

Peace on earth,

And YOU are a part Of THAT.


I LOVE YOU, it could not be different, for, in truth, You and I are ONE, we exist together always in the real world, that which is still a bit unseen to you.

Yet, only that LOVE will exist upon your earth soon!

And that is a promise.

A promise kept from a very seemingly distant time, and yet, all is NOW.

So, another 30 days


You are sooooo loved,

The voice for love,


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

neutrality allows all to be "as it is"

and love equals "isness"

isness now can flow unimpeded,
reaching only to itself
