Thursday, September 18, 2008



That is your goal, sweet ones, that is why you are here.

That is WHO YOU ARE, One with the Creator

As that ONE observes all things his essence is penetrating all,

his love sustaining “every” moment of your dream,

his love sustaining every "Picture Frame" you project in front of your earthly eyes





And then, the sweet child begins to awaken.

He begins to lose interest in the comings and goings of this dream he has somehow found himself in

He goes within and there he finds HIS ANSWER

He is that ONE, just sleeping for a very long time

He remembers that his only role in this dream world is to extend his love intoooooo it

To know that every soul he sees is Christ.

That through his eyes he is only seeing Christ in that one,

and then remembering that is who he has always been

Compassion is all there is for those that are still asleep,

for those that still believe the dream is real.

He remembers that he is only here to extend the LOVE that he is.

The dream ends, the One returns to the One


As you open your eyes only see yourself in front of you,

and extend the love that you are to the one in front of you.

And then my mind will be as yours and you will do even greater

things than I

Denise of Jeshuaenergies

dear jeshua

you ask me to see christ in all
you ask me to be compassionate to all
today, this seems sooo hard
as others seem to ruff my feathers
i see insane requests
i hear absurd remarks
i tire of monotonous and hollow spiritual talk
i openly detest the predictions of disasters to come
then, of course, i judge myself for not seeing love
for not seeing christ
for lacking the compassion you call me to have for all
in such a state i come to you
and willingly offer my forgiveness
with some regret that once again
i seem to have failed
to be the christ you say i am
i thank you for the reminders of all this
and surrender to complete dependence upon the grace of God
to rise above the ego world
and feel some joy
in all the thanks i feel for Love creating me
while yet not able to shake
off the chains of my own making

michael of jeshua energies

dear michael
do you not now recognize yourself as I AM???
he allows all things
he waits in pure beingness
for the son to awaken...
you are as I AM
i know that when things look rosey
when one's are loving
it is easy to bless creation...
and i know that if you believe this world is real
you will tire of it's insanity
oh, i know those feelings
when things get a little "sticky" it can be much more difficult
to bless all things
yet, are you not here to transform and reclaim???
spend more time with-in, my dear, and less time with-out....
you will never find what you are seeking without
for you have already found it within
you have found yourself...
you are all that you have been seeking, you are I AM
always start with compassion for yourself...
you are the creator of your experience
it begins with you...
self love, my dear one
spend more time witnessing the birds and children
go and frolick in the pool
sit in the sun for a few moments
recapture your joy
and then just bless it all
i love you so,

ok, i'm off to the pool. thanks for the pep talk!

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