Tuesday, September 2, 2008

ego is a control freak

Back Seat Driver

Now when thinking mind
pops up
I conjure up the image
of driving
with a back seat driver.
not striving
to please nor choosing
to listen
and get upset
but simply say,
"Thank you for sharing"
and go on God's
merry way



Stopping for the back seat driver

your thinking mind

just like a back seat driver
no need to fret or listen
no steering power in it
unless you give it
and choose to live it
but then
you can always
choose again


Ego Teacher

The ego is a tricky little fellow.
He says go do
Then smacks our hand.
He sometimes lies
Yet wipes our tears
If we should cry.
He likes to tell us of
Science so sublime
and how it isn’t mine.
He insults and
If we should throw a punch
He bends or eats our lunch.
He sometimes plays with us
At recess time.
And other times
He calls us names

He‘s such a tricky fellow
Cause he never tells us
That he tells us lies
That often make us cry.
He really doesn’t know us well,
But wants us to think him swell.
He likes to see us fail.
He says it makes us strong.
He lies
And never wants us
To know the us that’s Us.



Artist Unknown


Oh, silence my busy days!
Bring me Home.
Prepare the feast.
I long rejected your embrace
To live in special paper castles,
Your Flame of Love has now dissolved.

Your brightness blinds my eyes,
It appears that all is lost
I blink and see
knowing all has been gained.

Things made in Heaven still last.
Your Love has brought me Home.

1 comment:

EmAManda said...

Everything I read here is lovely, michael.