Monday, September 15, 2008

jumping for joy

jumping for joy

a smile comes to my face
as i read jeshua's words
i know them to be the truth
the patience you speak of
is a delight
each moment brings torrents of love
experienced from all about
nothing but love no matter what
differing forms may appear
but the watching
of what was judged before as no love
is laughed at as a joke
i tried to play upon myself
to test the strength of love
now love comes through
as strong as hurricane winds
toppling down the walls of illusion
and washing away
the imagined treasures of possession
all is surrendered willingly
and arms are thrown up high
to welcome rain and bright sky
as but differing forms of love's embrace
all is love and heaven is present
within each heart beat
beating always to led me
to the joys i wish today

michael jumping for joy

written in response to this:

what is this strength within
that i have spoken of many times...
it grows within patience..
as you began to weed your garden
you pull up from the depths of your being ness
the roots that were bringing forth less than delicious fruit...
you were able to witness for yourself
the experiences of those roots...
you gave them to me (surrendered) to make them right...
to transform them; make them new again
as you trusted and allowed this process you came to see
your inner strength (trust) growing more and more
you became willing to go within to search for the belief
that was untrue about yourself that was baring this,
let me say, "rotten" fruit...

now, your strength has become as mine....
that strength is your trust that i am with you always
and that this process is allowing you to see your "world" differently
you have come to recognize that it has always been your
inner beliefs that created your experience...
one's such as i am unworthy, i am guilty, i am unloved i am not who I AM

now that you stand in this strength with almost certain surety
more is asked of you...
for now you know that only love is real
and the only way to heal the dream is to recognize its source

all is within you...
there is nothing outside of you and all of you is god...
all of you is innocent
and i am sending many to you
people, places and things
knowing you stand strong in your holy light
and will see only the presence of love...
this is how you give to the world... and as you give
you do receive

i would further say come to "value" of
receiving so you can give...
so, you see, the way you give to the world now
is to see all as a gift
to witness the perfection; the heart of love that all is birthed from
in every moment...
it is only your perception that any moment is not perfect...
in fact to judge any moment is the ego...
to evaluate any moment is the ego...
for the heart sees all as itself... plain and simple...
grow that strength with my waters that i bestow upon you
with every breath you breathe carry my strength as yours...
for it is yours taking up its rightful place again...

see only love
be only love

with that
i bid you adieu,

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