Monday, September 22, 2008

as ONE

thank you michael and one we are...

as ONE

utter trust in our endeavors is present for me
as we walk as one through the eye of the needle

no fear expressed in needing to identify
what is me, what is you, what you say, what i say, who you are, what i am, what you have, what i have, what you have done, what i have done
within the eye there is no you, there is no me
when i say jeshua a feeling of truth and power engulfs me
i unabashedly proclaim i am at cause of all and all is good and all is love
my joy overflows upon all i see, all i hear, all i experience
dancing and signing in the streets is proclaimed as my way of being
all else that is not joy and love and fun dissolves in the light of my love

jeshua/michael/denisa/anne as one

in response to what denisa has written:

the eye of the needle…

the small eye meets the ONE

I have spoken before of the journey to the kingdom

I am now speaking to you about the journey within it of the needle to enjoy the fruits

of this union

the journey within is one of steadfastness…

responsibility for every thought

you see, my dear one all is within you

there is nothing outside of you

you now are creating your outer world with your thoughts

and there is only love…

all that you see now is the light…

if it appears otherwise it is a “veil” that is coming from a thought contained within you

and it is the small you….

thoughts carried deep within, such as unworthiness, being unlovable, needing to be seen, needing to be recognized

(the small self always wants to

be seen, noticed, recognized

and puffed up”)

your old self can no longer be seen now

it no longer exists

you are walking light one with me….

as you witness these projections, I would ask of you to come within ask of me

what is this for?

how did I create this experience?

I say unto you the one in front of you is Jeshua, all is jeshua

appearing to you exactly as you believe yourself to be…

I would ask of you who do YOU choose to be?

the little self or the I AM

there is only light, yet the duality is contained within you and the shadow

small self is also within you

you are here to transform this shadow self

if you have a moment, a moment of reaction to anything you see, it is the little you not seeing all as perfect…

so come to me

create a space for me to come and show you how you are creating that which brings you unhappiness, fear and all the rest

embrace the moment, for not to embrace is to resist

and resistance brings more of the same

so, embrace when you witness the seed within that has brought forth your creation

embrace it with love

bring it into your heart center and let it flow through your front heart and out through the back of your heart chakra…

now, you have loved it and transmuted it

only love heals, dear one

you are dissolving the small self into the grand self as you embrace the shadow

with love…

there is no longer time for you to believe that what you see outside of you is not coming from within you

take responsibility for all thoughts…

judgment will bring you

an experience of the same…

not seeing all things as perfect

will bring more experiences

unlike love…

fear and lack and the belief in them are coming from inside you…

let them go, transmute them, trust in love, live within the eye

and allow all around you to be “exactly” as it is

think your loving thoughts, water your garden with thoughts of joy, laughter, song and dance

see through the veil, my love, for behind every moment

I am there…

see only me within all now’s!

I love you sooooo,


the voice for love

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I must take responsibility for my world because it is my thoughts that created what I fear. I must look within to heal my world.