Tuesday, December 2, 2008

what love requires

am i willing-- yes
do i see the simplicity, clarity, sanity
of your request-- yes
do i know the truth
of what you say-- yes
can i do what you ask --no
not without your help
this i ask
and willingly surrender
all complications i nave made
to block the way
to our communion

what love requires

the journey within the kingdom


that you recognize

all that you see



that you embrace

“all of you”

that you witness your edges

for as an expanded being of light

your edges are expanding with you…

those very edges

are to be embraced…

where are my edges of doubt…

where are my edges of fear…

where are my edges of judgment…

then, you meld into the heart we share

more and more

as you dissolve all unlike it…

the journey to the kingdom

was exactly that…

the journey to it…

now, within it

there is no longer another….

there is only your beloved

coming to you in every now moment

asking of you to bless and embrace

you are eternally within the kingdom…

your purpose now

is to remember YOU ARE THAT ONE…

plain and simple

to walk it

talk it

be it

f-e-e-l it……..


that you walk as I do…

your only purpose

is to become more and more

that which you eternally are…


with that

I bid you adieu


As these words pass before me
i meet my Self...
hear my Self speak to me...
there is only me
meeting me in every moment
thinking me
hearing me
seeing me
on and on .......only me...
the me who is the Self...
the Beloved of my being
who gives voice to those sounds
that raise me up.....
that lift my very soul into Joy.

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