Thursday, December 11, 2008



Each moment of this life
you sing the song of God
Did you know you were a singer?
Yes, dear one, there have been times
When you sang the most beautiful melodies
and you were not even aware….

At those times
you brought comfort and a smile
to another….
you did not know
you were singing My song….

At other times…..
you experienced pain and suffering
with another….
even then..…you were singing
but this time in a minor key….

You are always singing a melody
within the song called Love
And now…..with growing awareness….
the song rings out louder…..clearer…..stronger…..
the crystalline beauty of every note
can be heard across all of creation

You, beloved one, are the God-Singer
the One who brings the message of Love
to all who would hear….
to all who would open their hearts
to the possibility of joy experienced.

each day…..each moment…..
you are the God-Singer
bringing the message of Love
to a world longing to hear……

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