Wednesday, November 19, 2008


my willingness to bless

all that appears not to be love
is a testament to the truth
that only love is true
and nothing else is true

what appears unlike love
must therefore, be untrue
oh, what joy
this acknowledgment brings


suffering is a direct experience

of a belief that you carry

deep within you...

a belief that all that I bring

unto you from ME

is not love …

I only send gifts…

it is "your" perception that this is not so…

when you open yourself

to receive only ME

I bring you many gifts that "appear"

to not be of love…

sweet one

that is “your” perception…

I AM but love

I only send gifts…

it is only your perception

that all content I send to you

in form

is not a gift…

see all within the eye

of the heart…

for I love you so…

Know ME...

all is a gift…

if your perception

would say this is not so…

then bless what you think

you see…


it will reveal its perfection

to you…


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