Friday, November 28, 2008




ahhhhhhhhh, I come to you

this morn with oh so much love

and gratitude for your willingness

to walk the beloved mother earth

in this now moment…

I speak thru this one who opens

her heart and listens to my voice

yes, she is simply a messenger

and each of you “is” contained

within this shared heart…

if you will but listen

within your heart of love

I will speak ….


a message for mankind…

feel free to send this wherever

you would feel so guided…

I speak with a sense of urgency

yet never fear…

my urgency comes from my knocking

on your door…

much is happening now on your beloved planet…

can you not feel the changes…

the eruptions…

the chaos…

well, count it all as good…

yes, it is all very, very, good

the ways of false power

are leaving…

those who have played their part

are finding their days are numbered…

they are to be blessed for they simply

have been holding onto an energy

that all of you have carried within…

false power…

the belief that there is something

outside of you

that is not of love…

false power is leaving…

you “will” witness it on many levels…

government, financial, churches

false spirituality

all of it is one thing…

a belief in a power outside

of your self….

the new power that is being birthed

is the power of love

hearts so filled with the awareness

that they are what I AM…


as a means of living…

true life, my beloveds…

so, I ask of you this day

to allow this temporary chaos

to play itself out…

go within

open your heart and allow me

to fill it with true life…

the true elixir of love


you radiate it out wherever you walk

touching others…

awakening others to their truth

as this union that we truly are…

LOVE is the goal….

love simply is….

allow all “false gods

to diminish into the light of day…

with that

I bid you adieu


your brother and friend

my willinness to be only love
and see only love unfolds
the beauty of my world
like a rose bud opening
in the warmth of early summer sun
soaking up all the rays of light pouring
into its lovely form
releasing all unwanted baggage
and just being the flower of love
offering my fragrance and beauty
for all who choose to notice me

i notice you........

i smell the fragrance of the rose bud of your giving heart...

i feel the surrender and the opening of your being to

witness only love...

you are as I am, and it is very, very good

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