Saturday, November 29, 2008

Blessing to All

When we are willing to see the love in everything we see,
blessing what we see is natural and gratitude for all pours forth. com/watch? v=6BkT6-CDIjw

as the light that "we" are choosing is flooding our reality,
all unlike it comes up to be witnessed...
it is simply asking for our blessing, the very power of our blessing all things
brings that "energy" home to its truth...
we are the very power of love itself...
the more light we embody, the more powerful our blessing is...
and, as that light holder, we "will" be asked to bless ...
within me, as i bless I ask my self...where do i still carry a belief in victimhood,
where do i still entertain any murderous thoughts, where do i still hold a belief
that the "world" is doing it to me"
i embrace any of these beliefs still held within the depths of my mind,
i embrace them with love.................
this is mastery............
there is no other way....
with love

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a lovely video. Thanks for posting it and bringing it to my attention.

Love, Myron