Tuesday, November 11, 2008


thank you for the support i need
to move outside the subtle traps
the world would set to lure me
into believing that changes there
will bring me joy within
your reminder of my power
to change the world
by simple recognizing my own joy
without accouterments or reasons why
is so refreshing


this day

lift the world

with ME…

turn off your TV’s

write some words of love…

create a picture for the joy

of it

turn on some music that lifts

your soul…

let the world go

if only for a few precious moments…

when you are in joy

you lift the whole!!!

would you believe

this to be true

and help ME lift

the world today???

whatever touches your heart…

whatever moves your soul

do some of those very things


joy is contagious

it extends itself

to hearts unknown…

places not seen…

homes and hearts in need…

would you do this for ME???




jeshua energies said...

as i read this early this morning with the sunrise
the words "are in joy" turned a very beautiful green
look at me, i hear...
"are in joy" , living in your wholeness, knowing you are one with
Love and that love is living you, perfection...
we need do nothing but this...
living life from this "space" lifts the whole...........this very act of "isness"
lifts the one..................
thank you jeshua.........


jeshua energies said...

Yes, AND,

When a brother is not in joy
and we help him to be the joy he truly is
we lift the whole!

We can't help him by telling him our way.
So how do we help him?
By hearing him as if he is the Christ (which he is)
And finding the Truth that he thinks is causing
him to be separate from us.

As we embrace ALL. ALL will be opened!

Jean W.