Wednesday, October 1, 2008

A Loving Gift I Gave Myself

A Loving Gift I Gave Myself

My son asked me to partake and join in a project for which I held no interest

My refusal brought sharp response of anger and attack

I pulled myself back and asked my guides “what is this for? What is he here to show me of the dark recesses of my mind?”

Gracefully responses came:

“When time began you set upon a project you desired to initiate so you could feel alone and separate from me, your Source.

You experienced unbearable pain.

You cried to me to relieve you of this pain.

As Source, I responded not, for Source could not enter into a dream of separation from itself.”

This provoked your cries, “Why are you allowing me to suffer so?”.

“Why are you abandoning me?”

“Why are you punishing me so?”

“I hate you!!!”

“Its your fault for allowing me to leave your side and enter into such a place of loneliness and pain.”

As Source, I could not leave you, yet as All That Is, I could not join a dream of separation. So I left a little bit of sanity within your insane dream to guide you out of it when that is what you would desire.

So lovingly I let you dream insanely until a time when you would ask of me to help you waken from this dream of isolation, abandonment, pain and suffering.

You are asking NOW, and I am bringing all the insanity within this dream for you to see and allow to fade into the nothingness from which it came so you can gently follow all your guides back home to the place within my Sacred Heart you never really left.

I love you soooo and you have never offended me no matter what appearances may seem to be,

The Voice for Love"

Observing this Phenomenon

Allowing other's desires to manifest does not mean I must share these desires with them. Others reactions to me as if this lack of joining is somehow an attack upon them is just the reflection of my own essential desire to experience separation from God and then existentially turned away from Him accusing Him of abandoning me.



heaven, my sweet one, is not a place….

it izzzzzzzzz a state of being…

when you hear the wind chimes playing their melody of song…

a feeling of heaven

when you look at the smiling faces within the most beautiful sun flower…

a feeling of heaven

music that lifts your soul…

a feeling of heaven

my beautiful one, heaven is a feeling chosen by you NOW...

in these days there will be much you can put your attention on

that will not bring a feeling of heaven…

you will choose…

you are the creator

in every now moment you will choose is this not like choosing

heaven or hell?

love or trust?

you are the chooser, my dear one…

all that appears to be “hell” is heaven on it’s way

will you allow what is not of love in your world to die, so that

I can replace it all with sun flowers?

so, bless what is “falling” and go play….

yes, please just go and play

laugh, dance, sing, hug, frolic and bless


heaven, or........
what an amazing thought....
go frolic and play.....sing and dance....
how extraordinary that i can do this
in the midst of what appears to be chaos.
now appear as signs of heaven
unfolding before me.
i read the number 777 for wall street
and the thought comes.....
ahhhhhh......we are moving up from 666!
finally!! great!!
yes, it is amazing to think of playing
during such times as these.
i choose heaven.
it is only a thought away.

i live in my story.....
remaining true to the plot line of separation that i choose
until i awaken to the possibility of another story.
this other story brings me hope,
yet i need courage and conviction
to move out of the old and into the new remembered story.
separation is what i have immersed myself in for so long.
in comparison, the 'new' story seems so far-fetched,
and yet it feels soooooo good
when it comes as a thought to my mind.
i love the story of heaven and who i am.
i love seeing all as love coming to me.
and i love remembering i am here to love
all that is unlike love....
to remember that this is my creation....
and that i call myself home by remembering to love all.


anne said...

Thank you for relaying your story.
And thank you for remembering to ask "what is this for."
Your remembering is a gift to all of us!

Anonymous said...

oh, anne, this is wonderful
i saw the 777 too...............christ consciousness.......
we are awake
yes, we are to frolic and play
it is a garden for us to delight in
it is only our separated self that believed otherwise
the innocent child is awake and ready to play in the mystery
thank you anne

Anonymous said...

"we are to frolic and play..."
and yes, i am having a wonderful time
with you and michael
and every blessed person, place and event that comes to me!
thank you, sweet denisa and michael!
love you both!!

Anonymous said...

so, after you read about my grandson and how i saw it as innocence,
created by me, this happens

a friend of mine sends me an email
she has never talked about her grandson, he lives far away.
today, she sends me an
mail that her grandson got to shake obama's hand yesterday
and meet him....

now, my brain is thinking, wow
a grandson received a wonderful gift
after i saw the innocence of mine................

i had to share this with you
you know that song "there's something happening here"???

thank you for letting me share