Monday, October 13, 2008


The second coming of the Christ was promised in what seems in our dualistic perception to be many ages ago. In reality, it occurred simultaneously with the promise made. In time, it appears as if NOW all are awakening to this Christhood, even those who seem to be apart from love’s presence. It is for those who are open to this Presence of Love in all things to receive it and acknowledge it to and for all the world. This is the I Am Presence we speak of here in as many different ways as are necessary so that all will hear this message of universal Love.


Embarking on your shores is the GOLDEN ERA.

I speak to this “one” often, for she surrenders herself to me with every living breath…

I have prepared her and many others who were willing to hear me for what is now on the shores of this your beloved earth…

Thus, I come again, a promise kept.

You will not see me in the physical as a man but you will recognize me in many others in the coming of days…

I spoke many times of this your moment on earth where only love would be seen, witnessed and shared…

Many on your earth plane now are carrying within their physical bodies such a high particulate of light that your earth has been heating, thus, your global warming

This light is bringing up for all to see that which is unlike it, only for one purpose….to be healed, transmuted and then forgotten like a dream that never existed.

See all these changes as good:

the ice caps melting, the chaos in your government and your economy,

for all that is unlike love will be replaced with all that is of love…

You will witness many miracles, you will “feel” from the depths of your being that all is well, though your earthly eyes may not see this holy vision…

Place this vision within your heart, and see that all of it is love… all is energy, and the energy of love has come to bring all unlike it back into the heart.

Each one on your beloved planet and those unseen are here to ring in this golden era…. bless the one’s who have held energies that will need to be released as you bless the one’s who carry the living light………..

I leave you now with peace and I shower you with many heartfelt hugs from home…


JESHUA, THE HEART OF Love thru denisa

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