Wednesday, January 14, 2009


the harvest is in
it is time for thanksgiving
all doubt or fear of abundance has passed
i see with singularity the beauty of my world
the beauty of you
the goodness in all
nothing can upset me
nothing can take me from the all of everything
i am home and i rejoice



It is that time

my beloved…

spoken of for eons

yet misunderstood. .

the meek shall inherit the earth

I AM gathering unto me

my sheep…

it is time

live from within your heart

whose eye is the one of


it sees only love…

it simply blesses all appearances

unlike itself

so that all of itself

that has descended into duality

can become whole again…


this is the time to choose

those who are of like mind

you bless those who are not

and move into more and more

of that which you are

by joining

or should I say en-joining

with those of like mind…

bless those who seem to


embrace all who I will bring to you…

for, my dear one

it is all you…

coming and going…

none are better than…

none are less than…

all are on their perfect journey

home to me

in their divine moment…

this is the time of the harvest

the splitting of the two worlds…

those you feel you are leaving behind

will catch up with you

in your new earth

they are simply holding duality

in place for a short while longer…

heed my words…

now is the time to choose to

walk the path that leads

to ME

when you arrive

you will see that ME

is YOU…


now comes the time
for the sweetness of my Self to be realized
to see all as blessings from the Self I AM
in this space of the singular eye
only Oneness exists....the only Reality
my heart opens to the new world that beckons
"see the beauty in all," it says
there can be nothing more or less
higher or lower, right or wrong, better or worse
all that exists....all that is real
is seen with the heart and the eye of love

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