Tuesday, April 14, 2009

~ walk in love ~

~ walk in love ~

my sweet holy child…

every step taken

is taken “in love”

it can be no other way…

there is “only love”

the “key” to this experience

is to “see only love”

then, oh then

the veil dissolves

the truth of love

is known…

yet, YOU must step onto

the “yellow brick road

that leads to the kingdom…

the bridge is sturdy…

it is whole and complete

it only leads to “you”

it’s perfect harmonic destiny

“you”, the truth of YOU

whole and complete

walk this bridge

KNOWING you are whole and complete


this “knowing”

births the symbols of true life

and you

~will witness them~

as the hummingbird delights

in the nectar of the sweetest of fruits…

~the voice of love ~




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