Friday, June 27, 2008

i celebrate my relationships

i celebrate my relationships

bringing me a sea of seamless loving synchronicity

the vehicle through which mutual love flows

attempting to block relationships with thoughts of separation

blocks the flow of love's uncovering seamlessness

acceptance of relationships as i find them

repairs mistaken separations allowing the

total flow of synchronicity

seamless loving synchronicity

but another way for love expressing itself

satisfying random events felt flowing from the heart

reaching out to embrace,

reaching out to connect with a companion being of light

returning with love received and silently known

it is a wordless message sent and received in an instant of joy

moving me to tears swelling up from my

creative sweet spot to fill my form

with such delight that words are not sufficient to describe

only my totally allowing union with companion's minds

in soul’s naked embrace and organismic excess

will satisfy and be a way to show

my appreciation for all relationships bring


The light of love

I sit empty
And relax.
I trust that He will bring me a remembrance
of Unity.
I ask for trust in the light-

To know that we are all connected-
Still connected.
I ask to know
That time and space are not real.
I ask to remember what I knew long ago.

Peace to my soul!


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