Thursday, June 26, 2008

the great mother


J AN ISTARA Ackerman 5-17-2008

The Great MOTHER

rocks the wounded, crying children,

the children who constantly live

with their ‘inside beliefs’ of

sin, fear, guilt and pain.

SHE takes each child into her heart,

SHE lifts them up on to her

protective lap of unconditional Love.

Singing the sweetest melody,

SHE whispers to each child

the real truths of their Being,

“You where created in great Love and Joy;

there is nothing you can do that would be a sin,

for there is no judgment, my sweet one.

There is no right or wrong,

no ‘should’ or ‘ought.’

There is only freedom of choice.

There is only a child who is learning to walk

and to talk on this planet of duality.

If you stumble and fall,

wound your SELF or others,

simply rise up, take the hand of the other

and walk forth in the Light

of the CREATOR,

who does not judge.

Sin, fear, guilt and pain are illusions,

‘opportunity tools’ of learning.

Over eons of time

many energies have come to this dimension,

to contrived stories for the soul purpose

of controlling and manipulating the masses.

They are no longer given this choice!

It is time to live without judgment and fear.

All are loved on planet Earth.

That is all that exists.

So rest awhile in my lap

as I rock you tenderly in

unconditional LOVE.

Be gentle to yourself!

Don’t let other’s harmful or

ignorant persuasion

confuse you about

the beauty of your Being,

for they, too, bought into non-truths.

One of the largest parts of awakening

to your Cosmic CREATOR’s Love and Light

is seeing the wondrous Holy Spirit

within all of creation,

without judgment.

Seeing All with unconditional LOVE

begins with the loving of your self completely;

this opens the door to your ability

to love ALL others unconditionally.”

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"Don’t let other’s harmful or
ignorant persuasion
confuse you about
the beauty of your Being,
for they, too, bought into non-truths."

Thank You
Unconditional love is all that's true.
They do not know what they do.
