Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Loving All I Perceive

Loving All I Perceive

Loving opens my eyes
where before i had double vision
double vision only
creating the illusions
in which judgment thrives

in the 'now' of all as love
child molesters are seen
as beautiful as child nurturers
attackers are seen as lovers
killers are seen to be blessed

Love erasing all pasts hurts
in the unremembering it provides
and the joy it brings
to all as One Vision
in which at-one-ment presides

double vision only creating
the illusion
in which judgment thrives



the child molester....
a call for love
the child nurturer...
love's call is heard...
a murderer...
a call for love
a lover of love itself....
love's call is heard...
all of it is "me"
for i am not separate from
all that i see...
all is me
and i gladly own
my creations
asking only that the
flow thru me
ever more fluidly
as i bless
all of me....
to hold a belief
that "that one over there"
is not me
is to continue the
dream of separation...
to "believe" that i do not
molest my own inner child
by suppressing its joy...
by suppressing its freedom
is to molest
how can this moment in "time"
heal my soul???

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