Tuesday, September 16, 2008

joyfully this night


i join in acknowledging all
who willingly take full responsibility
for transforming the mind which sees with the eyes of duality
into the eyes which see only love
the ones who willingly surrender in patience and trust
to the voice and sight of love for all and every
without exception
without exclusion

In response to what denisa wrote:

this night
oh, my sweet one
do you remember when i spoke
to you
of climbing to the top of the
embracing all below as you
taking responsibility for the
dream of separation???
do you remember this tonight
as you witness the full moon
rising above the mountain top
to your left???
well, that "full moon"
is the fullness now of the
heart you carry within you
and that heart is blessing the world
with the very power
of love transforming
all unlike its presence
thank you for embracing your dream
thank you for being willing to see only love...
you are that "power" of love...
it is shining brightly into the dream
bringing up all unlike it
so that all of creation can
rise higher and higher
into the mystery of god's presence
ongoing and eternal
as that full heart
you are here to
see only love...
to see only the perfect
that is taking "all of creation"
closer and closer
into the bliss of love...
abba, all that IS
i love you so....
jeshua ben joseph/

anne contributed to the conversation:

climbing to the top of the mountain
i transcend the illusion of separation
and take with me
all that i meet
all that is unlike love
and transform it
through the eyes of Christ
into its Truth
that which it truly is...
unconditional Love

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