Wednesday, September 3, 2008

creating a calming space

creating a space

I would ask of you now

to continually create an

energetic blank space

for the lazer light of our

diamond heart to extend…

it is a blank space

that allows the power

of love

to extend itself into itself

you need do nothing…

open the palms

allow the space

surrender your thought

of what it is


what it is for


ask within…

what would you have me say or do

in this moment???

this is the way

of the master

standing as a light

beaming that light

wherever and however

you are asked

for the love within

knows what is needed

in each moment…

you are my vehicle

to extend the perfect

diamond heart of love

wherever you find yourself

to be

you have a new job

my sweet one

as do all who would

so choose

raise the palms, and let love

live you…

yes, this is your new occupation

this is and always will be

your purpose

to extend this shimmering beauty

wherever you find your awareness…


such calming words

in times of confusion and striving
and wanting to achieve
to accomplish

to be able to say

I am a blank space

is sooo comforting

it is all that is needed

instead of thinking thoughts

and thinking these are true

instead of relying on understanding

there are things

i knows i know

and there are things

i know that i don’t know
i am now allowing

there are things

that i could not know that i don't know

and these are the one's

to fill the blank space i allow myself to be

no longer knowing governs my life

no longer understanding make me bright
only in the


to be the blank space

of not knowing that i don't know

to reclaim this life

as an extension of true Self

grateful michael

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