Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Special Relationships


giving up specialness
contrary to the worlds
belief of what is "correct"
taking off all labels
seeing every moment as
its own special instant...
allowing each instant
to be as it is
loving each and all
the same
as all are me...
allowing those who move
out of my movie screen
and welcoming those who move in
loving all parts of myself
coming and going
simply flying on the wings
of the dove
knowing those wings
are the perfect way home
to my cosmic self...
i am the creator of all worlds...'
i create
by seeing only love
i let go of distorted
"views of myself"
Special Relationships

so hard to release
we love to love in a special way
excluding others
we love to hate passionately
killing off parts of our self we condemn...

the experience of wholeness
compelling in its results
---joy and peace
and the continuing experience
of consciously creating our world---

I choose the latter
while still experiencing the former...
yet each time i do
i remind myself to choose again
and call upon the grace of God to assist...
miracles result


"The holy relationship is the expression of the holy instant in living in
this world. Like everything about salvation, the holy instant is a practical
device, witnessed to by its results. The holy instant never fails. The
experience of it is always felt. Yet without expression it is not
remembered. The holy relationship is a constant reminder of the experience
in which the relationship became what it is. And as the unholy relationship
is a continuing hymn of hate in praise of its maker, so is the holy
relationship a happy song of praise to the Redeemer of relationships. "

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