Saturday, November 21, 2009



Can it be that you and i are one?

Can you be a reflection
of that part of me
 from which I separated so long ago?

and yet... in an instant...
this mistaken thought of separation
 dissolves into the nothingness
 from which it came...

in an instant...
 I see that all appearing
as ‘other’ than me
is not true

in an instant...
 I see what has always been true...

that there is no one ‘here’ but me...

that all creation I experience
is a projection of my inner world...
an experience of what I believe to be true

in an instant...
 I see all as a reflection of myself
and gladly embrace this reflection
as my own creation

with this embrace
comes a blessing...

filled with an all-encompassing Love...

extending Itself to all...

and in an instant all reflections
dissolve in the Truth
of Its essence...


only Love...

for in the end

there is only Love...

Only Love is real.


beautifully said!

One problem
"The thought of separation."
One solution
 "The thought of unity."
from which comes
the experience of ONENESS...
Oneness with Allthatis...
healing my mind...
allowing all to share the blessings
of grace gently flowing...
grace known as Love
the source of All...
no longer do i identify
with limitation
but include each
and every false perception
into the Oneness we are....
healing Our Mind...


1 comment:

Unknown said...